Why Are French Bulldogs So Funny? (Here Are The Facts)

Why Are French Bulldogs So Funny

If you are a french Bulldog owner, you must know that being cut is not the only thing about Frenchies but being so funny. As a part of their adorable life, Frenchies love funnily spending their time. 

Why are French bulldogs so funny? Sitting adorably, having short legs, being too talkative, being too noisy, sneezing in funny ways, and not being able to swim are the most prominent reasons for that. 

This article will explain how they are so funny and what special tricks they practice to be so amusing. Also, we will let you know how to make your French Bulldog so funny if it is not so as well. 

Reasons For Why French Bulldogs Are So Funny And Happy?

The following reasons will clarify Why are French bulldogs so funny and how the Frenchies have been so special with their funny behavior. Also, you will find yourself worthy of adopting such lovely creatures as your pet. 

1. They Are Playful

There is nothing you can do about this, as being playful is one of their most embracing features. The more they become playful, the more they make mistakes. What those mistakes create are so many funny moments you can’t miss. 

Although French bulldogs run after an imaginary enemy or another pet at your home, there is a very low possibility for them to succeed. Ultimately, they will disappoint and show their frustration through their faces. When they are awful, that will also be something funny as well.

2. Asking for the Attention

Unlike any dog breed in the world, French bulldogs require their owner’s attention. Whatever they do and how long you stay with your adorable Frenchie, that will not be enough for him. It requires your attention all the time and what it can do for that is to be funny and funnier. For example, you will not look at your French Bulldog. 

3. They Bark Too Much

Frenchies bark more than a typical dog breed which makes them funny at the same time. Whatever the occasion, where ever they are, or with whom they are, the Frenchies’ barking won’t stop. 

We asked the opinion of 100 French Bulldog owners and found out that they admired their dog’s barking as a fun feature. 18 Frenchie owners appreciated their barking in appreciatory. The frequency and several variations in their barking tone make them funnier. 

4. Their Genes

The origin of French Bulldog dates back to the mid-nineteenth century when researchers added cute and “being funny” features into their genes

Also, we can understand that the French Bulldogs have evolved for more than 100 generations worldwide. The particular evolution has made them funny to funnier as it is one of their main strategies to remain as household pets. 

The gene has not only been responsible regarding the behavior to make them funny but the color, physical shape, abilities, and disabilities. You know French Bulldogs can’t swim, caused of genes. 

5. Sitting Position

Do you know the similarity between a baby and a French Bulldog? It is about their sitting position, as Frenchies sit like babies. 

Do you know the difference between a baby and a Frenchie? A baby changes its sitting position, while a Frenchie keeps it forever. French bulldogs are amazingly overweight creatures that suffer from joint pains. This position is made due to that, and you must be able to understand these situations. 

6. Being Fluffy

Some French Bulldogs have long fur, which makes them adorable and funny at the same time. Although the length is considered to be medium, they have highly lengthy fur when compared to their body size. The way their fur moves to the wind, the way they make dirty their fur, and there are many ways to make them funny.  

7. They Can’t Swim

We looked for an answer to Why are French bulldogs so funny from 100 French bulldog owners, and 24% said it was about their funny swimming way. Of course, the reason for this is the Frenchies can’t swim. What you have seen is their attempt to stay without drowning in water. 

These muscle balls don’t have the necessary muscles to swim. The size of their heads is also not a match for a fine swimmer. 

Although they put lots of effort into swimming, the Frenchies may drown most of the time. However, you can easily use a shallow water pool to see this funny swimming behavior. It is weird to see these creatures putting their tongues out when they swim, is not it?

More on Infipet.com: Why Is My French Bulldog So Annoying? Read Here!

Here Are The Funny Ways French Bulldogs Behave

If there is fun given to you by a pet, then there must be a French Bulldog that does that. We have explained ten more such moments that a French may get funny.

1. When The Frenchie Keeps Its Butt On Somewhere Unusual

A French bulldog may sit in several places, and there are moments it keeps its butt on somewhere unusual. Your face, another pet’s body, or even your pillow. 

2. Playing With The Ball Is Also A Funny Moment

The playing moments with the ball is a never-ending loop for a french bulldog. You will not see one ball but two balls, including the fur ball. 

3. While They Are Sleep Too Much

French bulldogs usually sleep over 12 hours a day. Although it is something related to laziness, the same thing makes them funny. You will see hundreds of funny moments when they sleep. The folding and unfolding of their bodies, opening one eye, snoring, sleep running, and they will be numerous moments that make you laugh. 

Not only that, after sleeping 12-14 hours a day, the french Bulldogs have to accomplish other tasks within the rest of the time. Since you are not around Frenchies all the time, they have to run and do everything in a rush. So, the cuteness and the fun continue.  

4. The Way They Sweat Makes Them Adorable Too

Although sweating is something usual for dogs, French Bulldogs do it in the perfect way. Frenchies send their tongues out with narrowed eyes at the same time, and it will be something gorgeous rather than funny. 

5. When Getting Down And Getting Up

French bulldogs have short legs, which makes them incapable of climbing up or climbing down on stairs. When they do, they may fall or roll down like a fur ball. Although it is something, you must not allow that. 

6. While They Are Making New Relationships

One of the favorite things of Frenchies is making relationships. But, the thing is, they don’t know how to do that exactly. Frenchies continuously bark and make trouble for the other person or the dog. Most of the time, other dogs refuse Frenchies. 

7. When We Have A Well-Behaved Frenchie

A French bulldog can be trained well. After teaching them to behave, they will follow your orders and do whatever that has been trained. However, that will be funny to see too. 

8. You Can Make Them Wear Funny Accessories To Get Them Awesomely Funny

Among the best ways to make your French Bulldog funny, accessories are crucial. You will be able to find hundreds of accessories in the market and on online platforms. After giving a slight training, they will wear those accessories without troubling them.


Why Are French Bulldogs So Vocal?

They are active, want to create new relationships, and have been bred from Bulldogs, one of the noisiest dog breeds on Earth. That makes them so vocal sometimes. 

Why Are French Bulldogs So Cute?

The simplest answer is that it is their job. They have been created to be cute, evolved to be cute, and have got everything to be cute. The physical appearance, behavior, and everything are for being cute. 

Final Thoughts

We have explained how a French bulldog gets so funny. If you are a French Bulldog owner already, then you must have observed these things already. If it is not, then it is something wrong with your behavior. We suggest you be with your Frenchie more than you wear. Then you will start to see all those funny things.

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