How to Fatten Up a Dog in a Week: 7-Day Plan is Included

How to Fatten Up a Dog in a Week: 7-Day Plan is Included

Helping your dog gain weight in a healthy and effective manner can be a challenging task. Different breeds have different metabolism rates and nutritional needs, so it’s important to approach weight gain with a well-rounded strategy. This comprehensive guide will walk you through understanding your dog’s nutritional needs, choosing the right high-calorie foods, incorporating healthy fats and proteins, and much more.


  • Consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog’s diet.
  • Choose high-calorie dog foods that meet AAFCO guidelines for balanced nutrition.
  • Incorporate healthy fats and high-protein foods to support weight gain.
  • Establish a consistent feeding schedule and monitor portion sizes to avoid overfeeding.
  • Track your dog’s progress and adjust the diet as needed to ensure healthy weight gain.

Table of contents

Understanding Your Dog’s Nutritional Needs

Navigating the labyrinth of canine nutrition can seem daunting. However, we aim to demystify this complex domain, shedding light on the unique dietary needs of your dog. This exploration will not just revolve around the types of food but will elucidate their role in your pet’s weight gain, muscle enhancement, and holistic well-being.

Factors Affecting Weight Gain

Several factors can influence your dog’s ability to gain weight, including age, breed, activity level, and underlying health conditions. Understanding these factors is crucial for creating an effective weight gain plan. Puppies and young dogs, for instance, have different nutritional needs compared to senior dogs. Similarly, high-energy breeds may require more calories than less active breeds.

Importance of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is essential for your dog’s overall health and well-being. Dogs require a mix of high-quality protein, fat, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals. Common micronutrients for dogs include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, B vitamins (such as B12), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Ensuring your dog gets these nutrients in the right proportions can help facilitate healthy weight gain.

Consulting Your Veterinarian

Before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian. They can provide personalized advice based on your dog’s specific needs and health conditions. Your vet can also recommend high-calorie foods or supplements that are safe and effective for weight gain.

7-Day Weight Gain Plan

Here’s a simple 7-day plan to help your dog gain weight:

  1. Day 1-2: Introduce a high-calorie dog food gradually. Mix it with your dog’s current food to avoid digestive issues.
  2. Day 3-4: Increase the portion of high-calorie food while monitoring your dog’s reaction.
  3. Day 5-6: Add healthy fats like fish oil or coconut oil to their meals.
  4. Day 7: Evaluate your dog’s progress and consult your vet for any adjustments.

For high-calorie dog food options, check out this link.

Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Always monitor your dog’s health and consult your vet regularly.

Choosing the Right High-Calorie Dog Food

When it comes to How to fatten up a dog in a week, selecting the right high-calorie dog food is crucial. High-calorie foods are designed to help dogs gain weight by providing them with the necessary nutrients and energy. These foods typically have higher calorie, protein, and fat content, which are essential for weight gain and overall health. Before making any changes to your dog’s diet, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian to tailor a plan specific to your dog’s needs.

Incorporating Healthy Fats and Proteins

Incorporating healthy fats and proteins into your dog’s diet is essential for promoting weight gain and overall health. Healthy fats provide a concentrated source of energy, while proteins are crucial for muscle development and repair. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started.

Benefits of Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are a vital component of your dog’s diet, especially when trying to increase their weight. They provide a dense source of calories and are essential for various bodily functions, including brain health and hormone production. Some excellent sources of healthy fats include:

  • Fish oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Vegetable oil

Adding these oils to your dog’s meals can significantly boost their calorie intake and support their overall health.

High-Protein Foods for Dogs

Proteins are the building blocks of your dog’s body. They are essential for muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall vitality. High-protein foods that can help your dog gain weight include:

  • Fresh raw beef
  • Ground turkey
  • Canned fish like sardines and mackerel
  • Hard-boiled eggs

Incorporating these protein-rich foods into your dog’s diet will ensure they get the necessary nutrients for healthy weight gain.

Supplementing with Oils

Oils are a fantastic way to add extra calories to your dog’s diet without increasing the volume of their meals. Some recommended oils include:

  • Fish oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Vegetable oil

These oils not only provide additional calories but also offer various health benefits, such as improved coat condition and joint health.

7-Day Plan

Here’s a simple 7-day plan to help you incorporate healthy fats and proteins into your dog’s diet:

DayMorning MealEvening MealTreats
MondayGround turkey with coconut oilFresh raw beef with fish oilHard-boiled egg
TuesdayCanned sardines with vegetable oilGround turkey with avocado oilSmall piece of liver
WednesdayFresh raw beef with fish oilCanned mackerel with coconut oilHard-boiled egg
ThursdayGround turkey with avocado oilFresh raw beef with vegetable oilSmall piece of liver
FridayCanned sardines with coconut oilGround turkey with fish oilHard-boiled egg
SaturdayFresh raw beef with avocado oilCanned mackerel with vegetable oilSmall piece of liver
SundayGround turkey with fish oilFresh raw beef with coconut oilHard-boiled egg

Remember, always consult your veterinarian before making significant changes to your dog’s diet to ensure it meets their specific nutritional needs.

Feeding Schedule and Portion Control

Establishing a feeding schedule is crucial for helping your dog gain weight in a healthy manner. By providing consistent meal times and portion sizes, you can ensure your dog receives the necessary nutrients without overfeeding.

Frequency of Meals

To promote weight gain, consider feeding your dog multiple small meals throughout the day. Three to four meals can help maintain energy levels and improve nutrient absorption. This approach is particularly beneficial for dogs with smaller appetites or those who struggle to eat large portions at once.

Portion Sizes

Determining the right portion size is essential. Start by consulting your veterinarian to understand your dog’s specific caloric needs. Use a measuring cup to ensure each meal is consistent. Gradually increase the portion size if you don’t see any problems (weight gain or loss, or behavior issues related to hunger). Keep in mind that the type of meal you feed should have similar fat percentages to maintain balance.

Avoiding Overfeeding

While it’s important to increase your dog’s caloric intake, overfeeding can lead to digestive issues and obesity. Monitor your dog’s weight and adjust portions as needed. Avoid giving too many treats or table scraps, as these can contribute to excessive calorie intake.

7-Day Feeding Plan

Here’s a sample 7-day feeding plan to help your dog gain weight:

DayMeal 1 (Morning)Meal 2 (Midday)Meal 3 (Evening)
Monday1 cup kibble1/2 cup wet food1 cup kibble
Tuesday1 cup kibble1/2 cup wet food1 cup kibble
Wednesday1 cup kibble1/2 cup wet food1 cup kibble
Thursday1 cup kibble1/2 cup wet food1 cup kibble
Friday1 cup kibble1/2 cup wet food1 cup kibble
Saturday1 cup kibble1/2 cup wet food1 cup kibble
Sunday1 cup kibble1/2 cup wet food1 cup kibble

For best results, use high-quality, high-calorie dog food. Check out these weight gainer foods for dogs on Amazon.

Remember, consistency is key. Stick to the feeding schedule and monitor your dog’s progress closely.

Adding Nutrient-Rich Treats

Incorporating nutrient-rich treats into your dog’s diet can be a fun and effective way to help them gain weight. Choosing treats high in protein and healthy fats but low in sugar and artificial additives is vital. Treats should also serve a dual purpose—rewarding good behavior and contributing to their nutritional intake. Remember, though; treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake to prevent nutritional imbalances.

Monitoring Your Dog’s Progress

Monitoring your dog’s progress is essential to adjust strategies as needed, ensuring effective weight gain. Regular weight checks and overall health assessments can guide your approach. By closely monitoring your dog’s weight, you can make necessary adjustments to their diet, exercise routine, and overall care plan.

Tracking Weight Gain

Consistent monitoring allows you to observe patterns, identify problems, and celebrate successes. It’s a proactive way to ensure your weight gain strategies yield the desired results and keep your dog’s health in optimal condition. Regular weight checks and overall health assessments can guide your approach.

Adjusting the Diet as Needed

It’s important to remember that any significant or sudden change in your dog’s weight or eating habits should be evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out serious health conditions. Regular check-ups and maintaining a close eye on your dog’s behavior will help ensure they stay healthy.

Signs of Healthy Weight Gain

Exercise is important, too, as it can stimulate appetite and help build muscle mass. Regular vet visits can help monitor progress and address any potential health concerns.

7-Day Plan

  1. Day 1: Start with a baseline weight check and note any changes in eating habits.
  2. Day 2: Introduce a high-calorie dog food. Check out this weight gainer food on Amazon.
  3. Day 3: Monitor your dog’s reaction to the new food and adjust portions as needed.
  4. Day 4: Add a small amount of healthy fats like fish oil to their diet.
  5. Day 5: Increase meal frequency to 3-4 times a day.
  6. Day 6: Include nutritious treats between meals.
  7. Day 7: Conduct another weight check and adjust the diet based on progress.

Consistent monitoring allows you to observe patterns, identify problems, and celebrate successes. It’s a proactive way to ensure your weight gain strategies yield the desired results and keep your dog’s health in optimal condition.

Exercise and Its Role in Weight Gain

Exercise plays a crucial role in supporting healthy weight gain for your dog. Engaging your dog in appropriate exercise routines supports weight gain by stimulating their appetite, improving muscle tone, and enhancing their overall well-being. However, it’s essential to strike a balance to avoid overexertion, which can hinder weight gain.

Balancing Exercise and Rest

Finding the right balance between exercise and rest is key. While exercise helps in building muscle mass and stimulating appetite, too much exercise can lead to excessive calorie burn. Consulting with a veterinarian or canine fitness expert can help tailor an exercise routine specific to your dog’s needs and weight gain goals.

Types of Exercise

Incorporate a variety of exercises to keep your dog engaged and active:

  • Agility Training: Helps build lean muscle mass.
  • Fetch: Stimulates appetite and provides cardiovascular benefits.
  • Strength-Building Activities: Contributes to muscle development.

Avoiding Overexertion

It’s important to monitor your dog’s energy levels and avoid overexertion. Signs of overexertion include excessive panting, limping, or reluctance to continue exercising. Adjust the intensity and duration of exercise based on your dog’s condition and consult your veterinarian if needed.

Remember, exercise promotes cardiovascular health, joint strength, and mental well-being, ensuring that the weight gain is accompanied by overall fitness and vitality.

7-Day Exercise Plan

Here’s a simple 7-day exercise plan to help your dog gain weight:

  1. Day 1: 20 minutes of fetch, followed by 10 minutes of agility training.
  2. Day 2: 15 minutes of strength-building activities, such as tug-of-war.
  3. Day 3: 20 minutes of fetch, followed by a short walk.
  4. Day 4: Rest day with light playtime.
  5. Day 5: 20 minutes of agility training, followed by 10 minutes of fetch.
  6. Day 6: 15 minutes of strength-building activities.
  7. Day 7: Rest day with light playtime.

For more information on high-calorie dog foods to support weight gain, check out this Amazon link.

By following this plan and ensuring a balanced approach to exercise, you can help your dog achieve healthy weight gain while maintaining overall fitness and vitality.

Addressing Underlying Health Issues

Common Health Problems

A sudden loss of weight could also indicate other underlying issues that need addressed which may include:

  • Joint Issues – Not only can existing issue like luxating patella, arthritis, or hip dysplasia be exacerbated by a few extra pounds, but other joint, cartilage or tendon issues which didn’t exist before can be caused by excess weight straining the entire body.
  • Decreased Lifespan – Heart or circulatory, digestive issues and increased cancer risk are only a few of the issues that can be exacerbated by weight gain.
  • Skin or Coat Problems – Often with extra weight comes increased oils on the skin, or in extreme cases overlapping skin. Both of these are ideal conditions for skin conditions to develop and fester.

When to Seek Veterinary Help

If you notice any sudden changes in your dog’s weight, it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian. They can help identify any underlying health issues and provide guidance on how to address them. Regular check-ups and monitoring are essential to ensure your dog’s overall health and well-being.

Long-Term Health Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is vital for your dog’s long-term health. This includes providing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary care. By addressing any underlying health issues promptly, you can help your dog live a longer, healthier life.

7-Day Plan for Addressing Underlying Health Issues

Day 1Schedule a veterinary appointment to assess your dog’s overall health.
Day 2Begin monitoring your dog’s weight and eating habits closely.
Day 3Introduce a balanced diet with high-calorie foods.
Day 4Incorporate healthy fats and proteins into your dog’s meals.
Day 5Start a gentle exercise routine to promote muscle growth.
Day 6Provide nutrient-rich treats to supplement your dog’s diet.
Day 7Review progress and adjust the diet and exercise plan as needed.

For the best foods to promote healthy weight gain in dogs, consider these high-calorie dog foods on Amazon.

Creating a Stress-Free Eating Environment

Creating a stress-free eating environment for your dog is crucial for their overall well-being and can significantly impact their eating habits. Psychological issues such as stress may cause your dog to overeat or undereat, so it’s essential to create a calm and comfortable space for them during mealtime.

Hydration and Its Importance

Ensuring your dog stays hydrated is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Water is essential for all the body’s metabolic processes. It aids digestion, helps transport nutrients where needed, and regulates body temperature. A well-hydrated dog is also more likely to have a healthier appetite.

Ensuring Adequate Water Intake

Dogs and cats need water, but rely on us to make sure they’re getting properly hydrated. Wet foods, moisture-rich toppers, and fountains can help. Monitoring water intake is crucial for their well-being. If you notice your dog drinking more water than usual, this may be a sign to take them to the vet. Excessive thirst can indicate a more serious health problem.

Hydrating Foods

Incorporating hydrating foods into your dog’s diet can be beneficial. Foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and certain wet dog foods can help maintain hydration levels. The Honest Kitchen Whole Grain Chicken Recipe Dehydrated Dog Food is a great option. Simply add warm water and serve! Available in several flavors, the chicken recipe contains the most calorie-dense formula at 485 calories per cup.

Signs of Dehydration

It’s important to recognize the signs of dehydration in your dog. Look out for symptoms such as dry gums, lethargy, and sunken eyes. If you notice any of these signs, ensure your dog gets water immediately and consult your veterinarian if symptoms persist.

7-Day Plan for Hydration and Weight Gain

  1. Day 1: Introduce a high-calorie wet food to your dog’s diet. Ensure fresh water is always available.
  2. Day 2: Add moisture-rich toppers to your dog’s meals. Monitor their water intake.
  3. Day 3: Incorporate hydrating foods like cucumbers and watermelon as treats.
  4. Day 4: Continue with high-calorie wet food and add a small amount of oil to their meals.
  5. Day 5: Ensure your dog has access to a water fountain to encourage drinking.
  6. Day 6: Monitor your dog’s hydration levels and adjust their diet as needed.
  7. Day 7: Review your dog’s progress and consult your veterinarian for any adjustments.

Understanding Breed-Specific Needs

Breed-Specific Dietary Requirements

Different dog breeds have unique nutritional needs. For instance, a French Bulldog puppy requires a diet rich in vitamins like Vitamin E and A to ensure a shiny, luxurious coat and boost immunity. Minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium are also essential for their growth and immune system. Check with your veterinarian before giving your puppy any food supplements.

Metabolism Differences

Each breed has a different metabolism rate. Large breeds like German Shepherds, which are often used for protection work, need more calories and protein compared to smaller breeds. On the other hand, smaller breeds may require more frequent meals to maintain their energy levels.

Tailoring the Diet to Your Dog’s Breed

It’s crucial to tailor your dog’s diet to their specific breed. For example, a Golden Shepherd may benefit from a diet that includes boiled chicken breast and rice, which can improve their bowel movements. Always consult your veterinarian to ensure you’re meeting your dog’s specific nutritional requirements.

7-Day Plan for Weight Gain Day 1-2: Introduce high-calorie dog food gradually. Mix it with their regular food to avoid digestive issues. Day 3-4: Increase the portion of high-calorie food. Monitor for any adverse reactions. Day 5-6: Add healthy fats like fish oil or coconut oil to their meals. Day 7: Evaluate their progress and consult your veterinarian for any adjustments.

For the top 5 best dog foods for a French Bulldog puppy, check out this link.


  • top 5 best dog foods for a french bulldog puppy
  • Check with your veterinarian before giving your puppy any food supplements
  • Golden Shepherd may benefit from a diet that includes boiled chicken breast and rice


Helping your dog gain weight in a healthy and controlled manner is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and a bit of experimentation. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your furry friend gets the nutrition they need to thrive. Remember, every dog is unique, so it’s essential to consult with your vet to tailor a plan that suits your dog’s specific needs. With the right approach, you’ll see your dog not only gain weight but also improve in overall health and happiness. Here’s to a healthier, happier pup!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my dog needs to gain weight?

Consult with your veterinarian to determine if your dog is underweight. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend a weight gain plan.

What are some high-calorie foods I can feed my dog?

High-calorie foods include commercial dog foods designed for weight gain, cooked meats, and high-fat treats. Always consult your vet before making significant changes to your dog’s diet.

How often should I feed my dog to help them gain weight?

Feeding your dog smaller, more frequent meals can help increase their calorie intake. Aim for 3-4 meals per day instead of the usual 1-2.

Are there any risks associated with trying to fatten up my dog quickly?

Yes, rapid weight gain can lead to health issues such as gastrointestinal problems and obesity. It’s important to follow a balanced and gradual approach under veterinary supervision.

Can I use human food to help my dog gain weight?

Some human foods, like cooked meats and certain vegetables, can be safe for dogs. However, avoid toxic foods like chocolate, onions, and grapes. Always consult your vet before adding human food to your dog’s diet.

What are some signs that my dog is gaining weight healthily?

Healthy weight gain signs include increased energy levels, a shinier coat, and gradual weight increase. Regular veterinary check-ups can help monitor your dog’s progress.

How can I ensure my dog stays hydrated while gaining weight?

Ensure your dog has constant access to fresh water. You can also include hydrating foods like wet dog food or add water to their dry food.

Should I change my dog’s exercise routine while they are trying to gain weight?

Maintain a balanced exercise routine to keep your dog healthy. Avoid overexertion and focus on moderate activities that keep their muscles toned without burning too many calories.

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