What Size Crate for Boston Terrier? (Tips and Recommendations)

what size crate for boston terrier

Although choosing the proper cage size may seem straightforward, it’s important to consider several things to protect your dog’s welfare. This article is here to support you at every stage, providing insightful information and useful guidance to assist you in coming to a choice. What size crate for Boston Terrier? Beyond simple dimensions, finding the ideal kennel size for your Boston Terrier requires some thought. Get ready to enjoy watching your Boston Terrier appreciate their snug kennel and turn it into their beloved haven inside your warm house. Together, let’s set out on this educational trip to make sure your furry friend is as comfortable and content as possible.

Different Types of Boston Terrier Cages

Popular and Useful Wire Crates

They offer your Boston Terrier great visibility and ventilation. Most wire crates are foldable, making them simple to move and store. They frequently have a bottom tray that can be removed for simple cleaning.

Plastic Crates

Plastic crates are strong and long-lasting, giving your Boston Terrier a comfortable, den-like habitat. As they comply with airline rules, they are frequently utilized for travel. For increased security, some plastic crates include metal doors.

Soft-Sided Crates

Soft-sided crates are portable and lightweight, perfect for short vacations or travel. They have mesh panels for ventilation and are constructed of fabric material. Dogs who might chew on or scratch at the crate shouldn’t use a soft-sided crate.

Decorative Crates

Crates that complement your home’s decor are known as decorative crates. They frequently appear as furniture items like end tables or cupboards, serving as crates and lovely furniture pieces.

Exercise Pen

Exercise Pens are wide, open enclosures that provide your Boston Terrier greater space to move around. They are sometimes referred to as playpens or exercise yards. Your dog can be contained in a specific area indoors or outdoors using an exercise pen.

Combination of Crates and Furniture

Some crates, like coffee tables or dog crates, are made to function as furniture. These provide a practical and attractive answer to crate training.

Outdoor Kennels

You might consider getting your Boston Terrier an outdoor kennel if you have a yard or other outdoor space. These give your dog a secure place to spend time outside without being segregated in a crate.

Why does Choosing the Right Crate Size Matter for Your Boston Terrier?


Your Boston Terrier will feel safe, secure, and at ease in a correctly sized kennel where they can unwind, sleep, and feel at ease. Since dogs are naturally den creatures, a properly fitted crate simulates a comfortable den habitat, which can lessen tension and anxiety.

Crate Training

Effective crate training depends heavily on the size of the crate. Your Boston Terrier might feel crowded and hesitant to spend time inside a kennel if it is too small.

On the other hand, a crate that is overly big would not provide your dog with a sense of security and might tempt them to go potty at one end and sleep at the other.

Travel Safety

The appropriate size ensures that your Boston Terrier is safe and secure while using a crate for travel, such as in a car or an aeroplane.

A too-small crate might aggravate physical pain, resulting in injuries or joint issues. Ensuring enough room inside the crate enables optimal body alignment and lowers the possibility of strain or injury.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Crate for Boston Terrier

  • Size: It’s critical to choose the appropriate crate size. Your Boston Terrier should be able to stand up, turn around, and lie securely in it. Avoid picking an overly big crate, as this could make crate training more difficult and encourage unneeded elimination.
  • Material: Wire, plastic, and fabric are just a few materials that may be used to make crates. When selecting the material, consider your dog’s habits and needs. Plastic crates make a comfortable den-like habitat, wire crates offer superb ventilation, and fabric crates are light and portable.
  • Safety Features: Consider a foldable, portable crate that is simple to transport if you frequently travel with your Boston Terrier. To stop accidental escapes, look for containers with strong latches or locks. Make sure the box complies with any airline or travel requirements before use.
  • Space: Consider the area in your home to put the crate. Some ornamental crates can also be used as furniture, saving you room.
  • Budget: Prices for crates differ widely. While buying a good, suitable crate is important, remember your budget when selecting.

What Size Crate for Boston Terrier?

The standard suggested crate size for a Boston Terrier is a 24-inch crate. Your Boston Terrier can move about freely, stand up, and lie down comfortably at this size.

It’s crucial to pick a crate that isn’t too huge because a larger crate might not provide dogs with the warm, secure feeling they generally like in a cage, making crate training more difficult.

According to their usual height and weight, Boston Terriers should be housed in the following recommended crate sizes:

Boston Terriers as Adults:

  • Height: 38 to 43 cm or 15 to 17 inches.
  • Weight: 4.5 to 11.3 kilograms (10 to 25 pounds).
  • Crate Dimensions: Most mature Boston Terriers will fit comfortably in a 24-inch crate. They can comfortably lie down, turn around, and stand up at this size.

Regarding Boston Terrier Pups:

  • You can choose the appropriate crate size based on your puppy’s projected mature size. It’s crucial to plan for their growth and pick a box with movable dividers so that it may grow with them.

Remember that these are only suggestions, and your Boston Terrier’s particular crate size may change according to its unique size, shape, and comfort. Always measure your dog before buying a crate to ensure a suitable fit.

Can you Use the Same Crate for Boston Terrier Puppies and Adults

Can you Use the Same Crate for Boston Terrier Puppies and Adults?

It is possible to use the same crate for Boston Terrier puppies and adults, particularly if the dividers are flexible. The inside space of the kennel may be changed as your dog develops thanks to the adjustable partitions, making it appropriate for puppyhood and adulthood.

Use the same crate for both stages by following these steps:

  1. Puppy Stage: You can use the crate with the divider to divide the interior space when your Boston Terrier is still a puppy. Limiting the space your puppy has to roam around can reduce the likelihood that they will soil one corner while napping in another. They are more likely to contain their urine and preserve their instinct not to pollute their sleeping place in a small space.
  2. Adult Stage: To add more room within the kennel as your Boston Terrier grows, you can gradually modify the divider or take it out totally. An adult Boston Terrier should be able to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably in a crate that is roughly 24 inches in size.

You can save money and space by utilizing a crate with movable dividers instead of purchasing several crates as your puppy grows.

Additionally, because your Boston Terrier grows accustomed to the same crate throughout their lifetime, it promotes consistency in crate training.

How to Crate Train a Boston Terrier?

Choose a Crate that Fits your Boston Terrier’s Needs in Size

They should be able to stand up, turn around, and lie comfortably inside the box, but it shouldn’t be so big that they feel compelled to relieve themselves at one end and sleep at the other. For a growing puppy, think about utilizing a kennel with adjustable dividers.

Make your Boston Terrier’s Box a Happy and Welcoming Place

To get them to enter the crate voluntarily, provide them with soft bedding, familiar toys, and rewards. Your Boston Terrier should be progressively introduced to the crate. Allow them to freely explore the crate without exerting any pressure. Permit them unrestricted access and exit.

Feed your Boston Terriers their meals inside the crate to help them develop a positive attachment. This makes them feel more at ease and helps them identify the crate with positive things.

Treats and praise should be given each time your Boston Terrier enters the crate voluntarily or spends time inside. Positive reinforcement builds a favourable relationship between the crate and incentives for them.

 Set up a regular training regimen for the crate. Utilize the crate briefly and extend its use as your Boston Terrier feels more at ease.

What are the Benefits of Crate Training your Boston Terrier?

  • When you can’t keep an eye on them, crate your Boston Terrier to keep them from accessing potentially dangerous items.
  • By helping your Boston Terrier get used to being confined, crate training can make it simpler to groom them or give them medicine when necessary.
  • Crate training can reduce dog separation anxiety. A dog trained to use a crate is more acclimated to brief times alone, lessening anxiety while you’re gone.
  • A crate-trained dog is more versatile and will feel more comfortable during these brief stays if you need to board your Boston Terrier or travel.
  • By helping your Boston Terrier develop a pattern, crate training makes it simpler to control their daily activities and avoid accidents in the home.\

Watch this video to get more info,

Video Credits – Little Paws Training

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