My Frenchie is Shaking – (Causes and Remedies)

my frenchie is shaking

One of our readers recently wrote to us saying “My Frenchie is shaking for no reason; what should I do?” We’ve facilitated the reader with the necessary guidance and thought it would help all of our readers if we wrote a comprehensive report on this. Your French Bulldog might begin trembling even if something little is making it uncomfortable. In rare circumstances, though, the discomfort may be more serious and necessitate veterinarian care. There is a bucketful of things to be discussed; let’s get started.

Why is My Frenchie Shaking and Trembling?

When a French Bulldog is cold or afraid, it may shake. Your Frenchie may shake to generate heat or reduce tension if they are in a chilly environment or frightened or afraid.

Dogs may tremble if they are physically in pain due to an injury, an illness, or underlying health problems. It can be a good idea to look for any injuries or see if your French Bulldog exhibits any other odd behaviors or symptoms.


Dogs with hypoglycemia, frequently identified as having low blood sugar, may tremble and shake.

The prevalence of this illness is higher in tiny breeds like French Bulldogs.

It’s critical to seek veterinary care immediately if your Frenchie hasn’t eaten in a while or exhibits other signs, including weakness, lethargy, or confusion.


A medical condition identified as hypoadrenocorticism indicates that your dog’s glands that produce adrenals aren’t producing enough cortisol and aldosterone hormones.

Proper identification and treatment are essential, but they can be challenging because the symptoms might be intermittent and hazy.

When you detect your Frenchie shaking, lethargy, abrupt weight loss, and excessive thirst and urine, consult your veterinarian.

Fear or Cold

It may tremble when a dog experiences fear or cold, including Frenchies. Dogs who tremble could indicate that they’re in pain or uncomfortable.

An illness, an injury, or internal problems could bring it on. A veterinarian needs to be consulted to determine the cause and proper course of action if the tremor persists or if you observe additional indicators of distress or suffering.

Neurological Diseases

Dogs may tremble or shake as a result of certain neurological diseases. Illnesses like epilepsy, tremors, or certain nerve problems can bring on the signs and symptoms.

It’s critical to seek veterinary care if the trembling episodes are frequent, severe, or joined by other neurological symptoms.

Is It Normal for French Bulldogs to Shake Occasionally?

In particular situations, it’s natural for French Bulldogs and other dog breeds to shake or tremble.

When dogs, including French Bulldogs, are cold, anxious, or enthusiastic, they might quiver or shake. These vibrations frequently disappear quickly and shouldn’t cause concern for you.

However, it is strongly recommended to speak with a veterinary professional if you detect frequent shaking or if other signs, including weakness, loss of appetite, or changes in behavior, accompany the shaking.

Shaking excessively or for a prolonged amount of time may indicate a medical problem that must be addressed.

What to Do When your French Bulldog Keeps Shaking?

Identify any immediately present reasons for your Frenchie’s trembling. Do they live in a chilly climate? Do they experience stressful situations or loud noises? You can solve the problem by figuring out any possible triggers.

Check your Frenchie for any obvious indications of discomfort, damage, or distress. Look for abnormalities, including limping, sores, swelling, or injuries. It’s best to seek professional advice from a veterinarian if you observe anything unusual.

Always ensure that your Frenchie is in a warm, cozy environment if they are shaking because they are cold or scared. Please give them a warm bed or blanket to cuddle up in.

To keep them warm, think about altering the room’s temperature. Create a quiet and secure atmosphere around your Frenchie if you think tension or anxiety is the source of their trembling. Reduce your exposure to loud noises and abrupt shifts.

Please give them a calm area where they may hide and feel protected. Shaking may occasionally be a sign of low blood sugar.

Offer your French Bulldog a healthy meal if they haven’t eaten in a while. Make certain they can obtain fresh water as well.

A veterinarian should be consulted if the shaking persists, increases in frequency, or is accompanied by other alarming signs.

They can conduct an in-depth investigation, carry out the relevant tests, and then offer the best course of action or guidance in light of their conclusions.

What are the Signs of a Seizure in a French Bulldog

What are the Signs of a Seizure in a French Bulldog?

The duration and degree of severity of seizures in dogs, particularly French Bulldogs, might vary.

Uncontrollable shaking or trembling motions are common during seizures. The dog could excessively convulse or twitch.

A dog experiencing a seizure could stop responding and appear clueless about what is happening around them.

They could be unresponsive to familiar stimuli or their name. While having a seizure, some dogs’ muscles may become rigid.

They might have stiff limbs or a hunched-over posture. Jerking or paddling movements of the limbs frequently happen during seizures.

The dog may paddle its legs in an imitation of swimming. A dog experiencing a seizure could drool excessively or produce more saliva.

Dogs experiencing seizures occasionally have the uncontrollable urge to urinate or defecate.

Some canines might act strangely either before or after a seizure. They might come out as lost, perplexed, or agitated.

How Can I Help Calm My Shaking Frenchie and Provide Comfort?

Locate a quiet location where your Frenchie may unwind without being bothered. Reduce the noise and activity around them to lessen their stress level.

Your Frenchie might benefit from gentle, comforting methods. Try using a soothing voice when chatting to them, or you could play peaceful music or white noise in the background.

Make sure your Frenchie has a comfy place to rest. Give them something cozy to rest and feel safe, such as a bed or blanket. Ensure that it is warm enough for them to feel at ease.

Some dogs enjoy getting light massages. You might try gently massaging the muscles of your Frenchie with slow, soothing strokes.

Please pay attention to the parts that pique their interest and receive a favorable reaction.

The relaxing effects of some smells, like lavender or chamomile, are well documented.

To create a tranquil ambiance in your Frenchie space, you can try using a diffuser with calming essential oils or a spray infused with lavender.

Dogs frequently find solace in routine. Maintain a routine every day for eating, exercising, and sleeping.

Your Frenchie may feel more confident and at ease due to this predictability.

There are natural soothing remedies that might assist dogs to feel less anxious.

Consult with your veterinarian about solutions that could aid relaxation, like soothing treatments or pheromone sprays.

You can aid your Frenchie’s focus and anxiety by involving them in mentally stimulating pastimes.

To keep their cognitive abilities occupied, provide them with puzzle toys, interactive games, or engage in intellectual endeavors.

When should I Seek Veterinary Attention for My Frenchie’s Shaking?

You must seek veterinary care as soon as possible if other alarming symptoms like weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, confusion, or difficulty breathing have accompanied your Frenchie’s shaking. All of these symptoms could point to a more severe underlying illness.

The best action is to have your Frenchie examined by a veterinarian if they have recently suffered an injury or trauma and are trembling. They can determine the severity of the damage and administer the proper care.

A veterinary professional should be consulted if your Frenchie shakes unexplainably, more intensely, or worsens over time. They can carry out a complete examination, run any necessary tests, and identify the underlying issue.

We’ve found a great a video explaining this. Have a look at it!!!!

Video Credits – FrenchBulldogio

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