Do American Bulldogs Like To Cuddle? Must Know This!

Do American Bulldogs Like To Cuddle

Have you ever felt the soothing feeling of cuddling your Bully? For sure, Yes for a thousand times right? 

Do American bulldogs like to cuddle? In short, YES. Since American bullies are born to be cuddled pouring love and affection toward their owners. They crave love and retention from their family and when ageing they become super cool companions. Cuddling is one of the best ways American bullies show their affection and love toward you. 

So, start reading and you will find out amazing facts about when and how to cuddle your American bully. Trust me you will become amazed by the reasons mentioned why your American bully needs more cuddles.  

Are American Bulldogs Affectionate?

Simply, YES! If you are already an owner of an American bully, by now you know how affectionate he is towards you and the family. 

What I have experienced is that owning an American bully is like having a baby. I am telling this because my bully follows me everywhere and even does sneak-peaks when I am in the bathroom too.

They often want to participate in every family gathering and want to spend more time with their owners like toddlers. Therefore, their level of affection is something not to be mentioned in words, but to be felt in the heart. 

As well as affection, American bulldogs are genius in loyalty, hardworking, and intelligence. If you have kids, American bullies make the best companions when they are properly socialized.

Therefore, all you need to do is train your bully well enough to be socialized and make a great bond with the immense love they share. 

Now, do not misunderstand, I am telling you about American bulldogs and not PITBULLS. 

Signs That Your American Bulldog Needs A Cuddle – For Your Attention!

It is not only you who always want to cuddle your buddy so tight in a way they can’t even breathe. But, your American bully also feels the need for lovely and squishy cuddles. 

Let’s identify what are the signs your bully pal expresses when he wants to share some warm cuddles with you. 

  •   Wagging his short tail (Literally, the back)
  •   Maintaining a lovely and calm eye contact
  •   Manoeuvring his paws, head, or body toward you. 
  •   Rolling over continuously 

Well, the above signs pop out only when your bully pal is happy and content. When he is fully overwhelmed by joy and wants to have lovely cuddles, he bursts with such behaviors. 

But, there are instances when your poor little buddy is stressed and in a bad mood. In such instances, he might display another set of signs that are completely different from the above. 

Have a look at the below set of signs and identify whether your bully pal needs cuddles as he is overjoyed or stressed.

  •   Making soft little voices
  •   Yawning loud
  •   Stay cornered 
  •   Sad eyes

Well, apart from the above signs, sometimes he might tend to frown at you when he is not receiving what he wants. My bully buddy often does that. They are quite funny though. 

What is most important is, you should be able to identify the body language of your buddy and not think that a wagging tail tells you everything. Instead, look into his face and eyes since they say a big story. 

You May Also Like: Are American Bulldogs Good For First Time Dog Owners? Read Here!

5 Reasons Why Your American Bully Wants To Cuddle- Be More Aware On The Last!

There can be several unique reasons for your bully to cuddle you. Most of the reasons are generated out of love but there are also some instances where he needs to be cuddled as a result of something else.

You’ll find out why. 

1 . A Bully Craves Your Attention A Lot

American Bulldogs are born to receive attention, not only from you but from all housemates. Yes, they are so dramatic. 

So, when the urge reaches its top, he might want to share some warm and long cuddles with you. Do you know that he considers cuddles as living proof of the fact that he is getting enough attention from you? 

2 . When He Is Fear Of Something

The next most common reason for your bully to feel like he wants to be cuddled is fear. When he is afraid of some awkward and unusual noises, they might run to you and cuddle. 

American bully pups are afraid of fireworks, thunderstorms, and loud noises that are unfamiliar to them. So, in such instances, he might want to be cuddled since he is thinking that he is safe in your arms. 

3 . To Show Affection

American bullies are experts at showing affection. They often consider you as their closest friend and think that they should show their immense love and affection through cuddles.

Cuddling is the only way they know to show their love and how much they care for you. 

4 . Since Cuddling Provides Warmth

Along with the word ‘cuddle’ the feeling of warmth automatically comes to our mind. It is common with bullies as well. 

When your little bully pack wants to get some warmth he might show that he needs to be cuddled with you. Not only for him but also cuddling your bully pal provides great relaxation to you too. 

5 . When Your Bully Is Stressed

This is a sensitive situation. Suppose your bully pal is all alone at home when you are out for work. So, once you return home you can see his depressed and saddened eyes yearning for your love and care. 

In such instances, he wants to be cuddled more than ever. That is his way of relaxing his mind and confirming that he is not alone at least during the night. 

Apart from the above-mentioned main reasons, your bully might have some varied reasons to receive cuddles. Sometimes, it is just because he is overjoyed and wants to tell you about it.

But, there can be some stressful and anxious reasons for your bully pal to feel the need for more cuddles. The best you can do about it is, to identify the reason through his body language and cater to his emotional needs very carefully and gently. 

How To Cuddle Your American Bulldog Properly?

Well, I should say that the proper way to cuddle your bully pal is the most comfortable way for him. Rather than going on with techniques, it is far better and appropriate if you consider your bully’s most preferable way to get cuddled.

First, you should understand that your bully friend wants to be cuddled. It is good to let him decide whether he wants some warm cuddles or not. 

But, there are instances where you cannot escape from his pouring cuteness which makes you feel like squishing him out. Remember not to cross the limit since sometimes he is not in the mood to share cuddles. 

Then, try to understand his body language whether he is happy or depressed. This is crucial since then you can attend to his issue in a more gentle approach. 

After that, cuddle him slowly and do not hold his wrinkly face tight as it will cause breathing problems because of their face structure. 

Before cuddling, make sure that your bully is not showing any of the below signs and behaviors. 

  •   Growling
  •   Snapping
  •   Turning his head away
  •   Licking lips and nose
  •   Showing teeth

If he is displaying any of the above signs, consider them as warnings not to cuddle. He might be in a mood shift or not quite interested in cuddling. 

Why Doesn’t My American Bulldog Want To Cuddle?

Usually, an American bully does not want to be cuddled under several conditions. 

1 . A mood shift – if your bully is in a mood shift because of a fearful or uncomfortable incident he needs his time to get cool. In such instances, they might not want to be cuddled.

2 . Age – Age is a common factor for American bulldogs to drive a little away from cuddles. It is true that along with their age they become more gentle and affectionate. But, due to a health condition or changes in preferences, they might not want to cuddle. 

Mood shifts are not good to wait and watch. Therefore, when you notice that your bully swings between moods rapidly, better to consult the vet. 

Suggested Reading: Why Does My Bulldog Growl At Me? Read Here!

What Are The Tips To Get Your American Bully To Like Cuddling More?

If you want to make your bully pal like cuddling more you can follow the below tips that I followed with my one. 

  • Keep him on your lap and don’t encourage playing. Instead, tell him to relax while petting him slowly. 
  • Hand feeding is more effective. Rather than giving him a bowl full of food it is better if you can feed him by hand and take him close to you. 
  • Slowly hug him for one to two seconds and make him get used to it. 
  • Rolling him and belly rubs are more effective while letting them feel that it is quite relaxing and pouring love moments. 

No matter what you do, let your bully feel the need for cuddling and let him slowly understand the relaxation that comes out of cuddling. 

Final Thoughts

I know that you do not have to be forced to cuddle your cutie wrinkle bear at all. How relaxing it is! 

All in all, be aware of all the consequences of cuddling your bully friend, and also be careful. Hope you added more to your American bully diaries and we’ll meet with another cool bully experience soon.

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